To God Who Alone Does Great Wonders ...
... be glory in the Church, both now and forevermore.
The gathering in Wittenberg was beautiful. How can it be described? We will attempt to paint a few pictures of God's workings among us, hoping that you can catch a glimpse of the glory - that will encourage you and lead you to greater hope. |
Click here for a YouTube playlist of all sessions.
We will continue to add more teachings & hopefully translations, so
subscribe to the Wittenberg 2017 channel to be notified of new content.
We will continue to add more teachings & hopefully translations, so
subscribe to the Wittenberg 2017 channel to be notified of new content.
Streams & Nations & GenerationsThe gathering far exceeded our hopes for representation from different nations of the
world ... and streams of the body of Christ ... and the generations. Beautiful followers of Jesus came representing these streams: · Messianic Jews · Eastern Orthodox · Roman Catholic · Protestant - Including Lutherans & Reformed · Anabaptist - Including Mennonite, Amish, and · Bruderhof · Anglican · Pentecostal · Non-denominational / Independent |
These believers came from:
· Israel · Germany, Austria & Switzerland (countries at the heart of the Reformation) · Poland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Norway, Slovakia, Serbia, Hungary, Malta · Turkey · United States, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Dominican Republic · New Zealand We also had a wonderful representation of young believers, as well as the "more seasoned" among us. There were several families with three generations represented at the meeting! |
We were especially blessed to have the Kisi Kids with us. "God's Singing Kids" are mostly from Austria, mostly Catholic, though they have representatives in their midst from different nations and streams. There were over 100 Kisi Kids with us, from as young as 4 years old!
"A Prayer Meeting Occasionally Interrupted
Phillip Owens led an ever-changing corporate worship team - at one point, there was a team of seven, with every member of the team from a different country!
Between the sessions, prayer teams from Europe, Israel and the United States continued with praise and intercession. From 10 pm to 7 am, the "Night Watch" moved to a special nearby prayer room. The prayer teams / leaders who served so faithfully and passionately were from Germany (FCJG Lüdenscheid, Canaan Franciscan Brothers), Hungary (Budapest House of Prayer), Austria (Vienna MHOP & IHOP Vienna), Israel (ESRA, Heart of G-d), and the United States (Christ the Reconciler). |
The Bridge Prayer model was used between prayer sessions. The two teams (one finishing, the other starting) collaborated to pray together for 30 minutes. Every Bridge Prayer grounded its prayers in scripture - such as John 17 and Ephesians 2. Often the Bridge Prayers would end with the teams praying for one another. It was reported after the conference that the prayer teams became better friends and will look for more opportunities to pray together in the future!
Henning Dobers also spoke powerfully the first night
(in German), providing a wider context for the historical moment the Church is facing. |