Trento, Italy 27-31 May 2014
Trento, Italy is the site of the Council of Trent, held between 1545 and 1563 in response to the Reformation. Once again we had wonderful hosts, this time at the Chiara Lubich Mariapolis Center in the hills above Trento. We were encouraged to receive messages of blessing and welcoming from theMayor of Trent, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Trent, and Cardinal Schönborn of Vienna. The group of about 50 included many of those who were in Ottmaring and Volkenroda, but also many new faces. At the end we divided into the variousstreams of the body of Christ that we represented, bringing the Dzpearlsdz of our traditions to be joyfully received by the other streams:
+ Messianic Jews + Russian Orthodox + Roman Catholic + Lutheran + Anglican / Baptist / Presbyterian + Pentecostal & Charismatic + Non-denominational / Free church One of the most important messages was given by Verena Lang, an Austrian Catholic. She presented the history of the Catholic Church leading up to Luther, repenting for the corruption demonstrated by many Popes and other leaders. She proposed viewing Luther as a prophet sent by God to the Roman Catholic Church.His prophetic message was not received correctly by Albrecht, the Bishop of Mainz. In a prayer time afterwards, Franziskus Eisenbach (former auxiliary bishop of Mainz) asked the German Lutherans for forgiveness on behalf of his predecessor Albrecht. Repentance was received and forgiveness offered by Reverend Burkhard Hotz, a German Lutheran. Their embrace afterwards symbolized the beauty and power of reconciliation. |
Talks were given in English and German, with translation provided.
All recorded audio is being hosted on the christ the reconciler website.
Focolare (1)Welcome (1) to Trento, Greetings from the Mayor, Bishop, and Cardinal
Amy CogdellThe Unity of the Trinity
Franziskus Eisenbach & Johannes Fichten-bauerWord and Sacrament
Prayer JourneyWalking tour with prayer in various historical spots in Trento
Thomas Cogdell Looking Forward
FOCOLARE (2)Welcome (2) to Trento, Greetings from the Mayor, Bishop, and Cardinal
Franziskus EisenbachMeditation about the Icon of Rubliew
(The 3 angels) Richard Harvey &
Thomas & Amy CogdellStory of a Catholic/Protestant
Marriage Purpose of the Gathering Hans-Peter & Verena LangHistorical facts in policy and church
15th and 16th Hans-Peter & Verena LangIntroduction to the History of the
Council of Trent ReportsSr. Joela – Judensau in Wittenberg
Danny Malakowsky – Church Divisions Course
Richard Harvey – Luther Books
Johanna Binder – Kisi Kids
After the gathering in Trento, it was determined that the site of the next meeting would be Rome, Italy.